This household appliance could cost you your relationship

You may have survived quarantine with your roommate, but there's a chance you might not survive the hot summer months ahead.

Enter: the thermostat wars. Finding the right temperature can be difficult, especially as remote working situations continue during the COVID-19 pandemic. That means more time inside to deal with your workload while managing temperature with someone else. Of course, everyone likes it their way: there's the roommate who loves to blast the AC on all day giving the apartment a cool feel; the other roommate who complains it's too cold and either bumps up the temperature or goes completely rogue and turns it off to save the monthly electric bill.

Regardless of the situation, controlling the air conditioner can influence more than your temperature in your apartment — it might ruin your relationship.

One in four adults have ended a friendship with a roommate due to arguments stemming from air conditioner control, a new study found. A survey of 2,000 Americans done by Trane Residential via Study Finds found that how the AC is controlled is on the minds of many Americans, where it can even persuade someone's dating habits.

Half the respondents from the study said they wouldn't date someone if they didn't like to run the AC the same as they did. The study, conducted by OnePoll, also found the ideal temperature for all is a cool 69 degrees Fahrenheit.

As electricity costs tend to rise in the summer months, many Americans tend to try to save money by not using their AC, the survey found. The average person, according to the survey, will go five hot and sleepless nights before turning on their system. A more shocking find included one in seven people waiting until August to turn on their AC for the season, while the average person opts to start in June.

"Most of the time people refrain from using their AC because they are trying to save money on energy costs. You shouldn't have to compromise your comfort for cost savings," Trane air conditioning product expert Mark Woodruff said in a statement. "There are things you can proactively do — like make sure your system is maintained, use a smart thermostat to control when your system runs, and more — to help reduce your energy costs while still helping you feel comfortable in your home."

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